The topic of this thesis is “E-Business Solutions: Complete Vs Segmented”. This study has analyzed three e-business B2B vendor solutions in order to compare and contrast the similar and differentiating features. Within this study the use of Qualitative, Interpretive and Cross-Sectional methods has been used. Along with these, the use of Document Analysis has been utilized for the extraction of data from the vendor websites. This data is then displayed and analyzed through the use of Cross-Case Comparison tables. The results are comprised through a series of diagrams which illustrate the findings that were established. Some of these diagrams include the Cross Case Vendor Comparison Table and The Complete “End-to-End” Solution diagram. These diagrams along with many other figures and tables demonstrate the primary conclusion that the functionality of the three vendor solutions in question is similar and therefore it is the non-technical features that are differentiating these solutions within the marketplace.
Thesis type
Honours thesis
University of Wollongong
This thesis was originally submitted as Gauci, R, E-Business Solutions: Complete vs Segmented, Bachelor of Information and Communication Technology (Honours), University of Wollongong, 2005,105p.
Unless otherwise indicated, the views expressed in this thesis are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the University of Wollongong.