This thesis seeks to examine the concept of the corroded memory, an idea that has driven the development of a large body of original creative work which includes performances, compact disk recordings, audio walks and video installations. I have completed this work during the last four years of part time study as a Master of Arts - Research student, enrolled at the University of Wollongong, Faculty of Creative Arts. In this thesis I examine, analyse and provide a context for a variety of publicly presented sound andvideo works. The conceptual framework and intent, together with the compositional techniques employed in each work are documented along with a self-evaluation of the various failures and successes of these works. Where necessary I will allude to references of work and ideas by other artists, composers and musicians who have influenced my work. This thesis was written to clarify ideas that are central to my folio of creative and curatorial work. My folio can be found on companion music CDs and DVDs. The text of the thesis which includes five appendices with a more detailed description of each work will have most significance for those readers who refer to the documented performances supplied on recorded media.
Thesis type
Masters thesis
Faculty of Creative Arts
Unless otherwise indicated, the views expressed in this thesis are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the University of Wollongong.