Nearly one hundred and fifty years of (1796-1948) of British rule has created a significant long lasting impact on the entire educational structure of Sri Lanka. Accounting education, which was introduced to Sri Lanka in the middle of the nineteenth century by British accountants, is a classic example of this colonial influence. Even after gaining political independence, accounting education in Sri Lanka has continued to follow the old British model for producing local accoxmtants. However, j&om the inception, there has been strong criticism that the accounting education system in Sri Lanka has not been appropriate and adequate for the country. Nevertheless, no systematic study has ever been done to verify the validity of this criticism. The present study examined the nature and deficiencies of accounting education in Sri Lanka and the causes of deficiencies on the basis of secondary data collected from tlie existing sources and primary data obtained through a questionnaire survey and interviews conducted on a sample of accounting academics, practitioners and chief executive officers working in various organisations in the country.
Thesis type
Doctoral thesis
Department of Accounting and Finance
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