There are concerns about the adequate preparation of pre-service teachers, and the ongoing professional development of teachers in our schools, in relation to the appropriate use of information and communications technologies in the classroom. The current professional development for practicing teachers and pre-service teachers is generally inadequate, often being in short, unrelated doses, and there is an overlap or duplication of many of these experiences. Both groups need to bridge the various gaps that are created during the preparation and as part of the ongoing professional experience that occurs in schools. These gaps relate to the changing of systems and the various expectations of the structures teachers move into. This study investigates the design and impact of a “professional learning partnership” (PLP), that was established between pre-service teachers and practicing teachers in our schools. Within the bounds of an established one year teacher education program a small cohort of practicing teachers acted as “online mentors” for pre-service teachers, who, with minimal classroom experience, were challenged with the norms of classroom practice on their school practicums. Information and communications technologies were used as the catalyst for discussion and set task analysis. A technology-supported environment was created online that linked these evolving groups and allowed both expected and unexpected interactions to occur. The analysis of these interactions has led to a set of recommendations that will help advise key players and teacher preparation institutions who engage in future implementations of similar partnerships. In the current context of determining teaching standards such a learning partnership will also inform the guidelines that may be necessary to allow a teacher’s career to be supported as a professional development continuum.
Olney, Ian, A professional learning partnership (PLP): connecting pre-service and practicing teachers in a technology supported environment, EdD thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Wollongong, 2007.
Thesis type
Doctoral thesis
Faculty of Education
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