University of Wollongong

A Relational model analysis of user acceptance of the Korean ECID card

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posted on 2024-11-11, 16:00 authored by Sang-Seon Park
This study attempted to discover the factors which may impact on determination of the level of user acceptance of the card to effectively implement the ECJD card in Korean society. Sociotechnical theory, and the Technical Acceptance Model (TAM) were used as a methodology to identify and predict the relationship of these factors to implementation of the card. Through the preliminary survey in 1997, the key factors (e.g. awareness of the ECID card, confidence in government, information crimes, privacy concerns and electronic surveillance) were discovered, and the identified key factors were also tested to discover their relationship to user acceptance of the ECID card by the primary survey in 1999. This study developed the influential model to identify influential relationships between the key sociotechnical factors and user acceptance of the ECU) card, with the multi-variable analysis of the primary survey. As a result, it was identified that information crimes do not significantly impact on the user acceptance of the ECID card, but other factors are significant. This influential model also demonstrated that awareness of the ECID card and confidence in government have a highly positive impact on user acceptance of the ECID card, while privacy concerns and electronic surveillance have a significantly lower impact. This study discussed the ideological conflicts between Korean society and other countries to discover the reasons for positive and lower impacts between user acceptance, privacy concerns and electronic surveillance. The relational model was also developed to discover the level of ECED card acceptance by the key factors with the change of citizens' attitudes.




Thesis type

  • Doctoral thesis


School of Information Technology and Computer Science




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