A national study to develop a new methodology for determining appropriate funding for places in residential aged care homes, the ‘Resource Utilisation and Classification Study’ (RUCS), was commissioned by the Commonwealth Department of Health (the Department) in August 2017 and undertaken by the Australian Health Services Research Institute (AHSRI) at the University of Wollongong. This report is the fourth in a series, written to present the results of this important national study. Each report deals with a different aspect of the project, as described in Appendix 1. In this report, Report 4, the findings from Study Three of the RUCS are presented. The purpose of the casemix profiling study covered in this report was to develop a national casemix profile of residents in residential aged care facilities in Australia, to identify any differences in resident casemix by facility type (i.e. by location, ownership type and size), and to model and test the likely financial impact of implementing the blended payment model nationally. To do so, a nationally representative sample was used to model patterns of resident need and to investigate the funding implications of a new payment model based on resident casemix.
K. Eagar, J. McNamee, C. Kobel, N. Rankin, K. Quinsey, M. Snoek, C. Duncan, P. Samsa & C. Loggie, Modelling the impact of the AN-ACC in Australia.The Resource Utilisation and Classification Study: Report 4 (Australian Health Services Research Institute, University of Wollongong, 2019).