In2Uni's Year 12 University Preparation Program (UPP), which commenced in 2014, is an innovative program for students in their HSC year working towards an ATAR. It targets schools in UOW catchment areas, and particularly those identified as being from the 39 low-ICSEA (Index of Community and Socio-Educational Advantage) areas. Students must meet eligibility criteria, one being that their academic performance is not currently on the trajectory to meet university entry requirements (In2Uni, My Way, 2016). Once accepted into UPP, students attend on-campus study sessions for two hours per week over a 20- week period from April to September. The general aims of UPP are that students (a) receive tips and advice in their chosen HSC subject from undergraduate mentors who excelled in these subjects areas at HSC level; (b) glean information pertaining to successful HSC study; and (c) are provided with a 'taste' of university life as a transitioning strategy. At the culmination of UPP, students who meet requirements of attendance (80%) and task completion are guaranteed an Early Entry Admissions interview at UOW. From this point however, these students are subject to the same entry requirements as all non- UPP UOW applicants. The success of UPP may be reflected in increased enrolments - from 268 in 2014 to 337 in 2015; however an 18% decrease in Early Admission offers in 2015 confirmed the timeliness of this program evaluation. The evaluation project was commissioned by In2Uni to explore the effectiveness of the program, based on data from key stakeholders: current and past students, parents, and In2Uni mentors. In consultation with UPP program coordinators, the evaluation sought to achieve the objectives of: identifying, describing and explaining the impact of UPP on the student experience; and providing In2Uni with an evidence-based understanding of the impact to enable targeted improvements.
O'Shea, S., Harwood, V., Howard, S., Cliff, K. & Delahunty, J. (2016). Evaluation Report 2015: Investigating the effectiveness of the In2Uni Year 12 University Preparation Program. Wollongong, Australia: University of Wollongong.