posted on 2024-11-15, 23:10authored byWarwick Funnell
Government departments and government commercial enterprises, along with statutory authorities constitute a very significant sector in the Australian economy. Expenditure by all government agencies, i.e. departments, authorities, enterprises, constitute about 42% of Gross National Product in Australia. The public sector is also the single largest employer, accounting for the employment of 30% of all wage and salary earners in Australia (Curran Commission, 1988, p.1). In addition, 50% of Australia's capital stock is owned by government with 20% of all investment undertaken by government undertakings (Moore, D., 1988). The role of government in Australia is therefore considerable.
This working paper was originally published as Funnell, WN, The Framework of Public Sector Accountability in NSW and the Commonwealth: An Overview of Current Developments and Antecedents, Accounting & Finance Working Paper 90/14, School of Accounting & Finance, University of Wollongong, 1990.