Mobile technologies are making inroads in many aspects of education. The potential of many of these devices is being explored in a range of educational environments but early childhood educators are not commonly early adopters of these new technologies. This paper examines the process and impact of iPods on these students’ creation of original digital stories to support their understanding of how young children learn. The pedagogical approach is described in detail together with observations on the process, lessons learned, and extensions of the activity into other discipline areas.
Olney, I. W., Herrington, J. A. & Verenikina, I. M. (2008). iPods in early childhood: mobile technologies and story telling.. In R. Atkinson & C. McBeath (Eds.), Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (pp. 696-700). Melbourne, Australia: Deakin University.
Journal title
ASCILITE 2008 - The Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education