Quantitative methodologies have long utilised computer assisted software for data analysis. In more recent times, increasingly sophisticated computer assisted software has been developed to aid in the analysis of qualitative data. This paper discusses the use of one such computer assisted software analysis package – NVivo – in the analysis of interview data obtained from respondents in the Electronic Gaming Machine Industry across two jurisdictions, namely New South Wales, Australia and Nevada, USA . The efficacy of utilising qualitative methods for generating empirical data in social and societal marketing is acknowledged, particularly when very little, if any, primary data exists in the area being studied. Analysis of interview data from the Electronic Gaming Machine industry and the subsequent emergence of concepts and themes are discussed. Given the sensitive and confidential nature of primary data generated from respondents within industries that market legal, but potentially harmful products, as for example the Electronic Gaming Machine industry, the use of computer assisted software packages such as NVivo is a valuable aid in reducing the complexity of this type of research. Grounded theory and case study methodologies guided this research and in keeping with the principles of grounded theory, the extant literature relating to the concepts and themes that emerged during NVivo analysis was utilised throughout all stages of this study. The conceptual model developed in the final stages of NVivo analysis is also discussed and presented.
Buchanan, J. & Jones, M. L. (2010). The efficacy of utilising Nvivo for interview data from the electronic gaming industry in two jurisdictions. Review of Management Innovation & Creativity, 3 (5), 1-15.