Reduced graphene oxide (rGO) and highly reduced chemically converted graphene (ICCO) samples were prepared under different processing condition! and were doped into MgBz by a diffusion process at 800 °C for 10 houn. It was demonstrated that a small addition rCCG can significantly improve the supcn;onducting properties of MgBz. Doping of M8B2 with 1 mol% of rCCG resulted in a Ie of 5.45 X lOS A cm-2 at 20 K in self-fields, which il nearly 32% improvement over that of the undopcd sample. This is a significant improvement as most carbon sources adversely affect the Ie performance: at the zero field.
Current limiting mechanisms in magnesium diboride superconductors
De Silva, K. S. B., Gambhir, S., Wang, X. L., Xu, X., Li, W. X., Officer, D. L., Wexler, D., Wallace, G. G. & Dou, S. X. (2012). The effect of reduced graphene oxide addition on the superconductivity of MgB2. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22 (28), 13941-13946.