The Australian corporate closet, why it's still so full: a review of incidence rates for sexual orientation discrimination gender identity discrimination in the workplace
The paper reviews the extant Australian literature on sexual orientation (SO) discrimination within the Australian workplace. In the research, there is variation in organisational workplace and a bias towards health and educational sectors as a research setting, which raises some methodological considerations such as poor generalisability to other organisational contexts. The small body of Australian research into SO discrimination encompasses; (i) varied methodological and theoretical approaches, (ii) disparate authors selecting a varied range of aspects of discrimination thus absenting a unifying framework to guide research and lacking as yet seminal authorship providing focus, iii) limited sampling of participants making comparisons difficult and further indicating the absence of a unifying framework with which to focus the research and iv) limited studies exclusively investigating workplace discrimination. In this paper, the Australian literature is presented chronologically, and where possible, it has linked studies together to indicate the commensurate nature of the studies to illustrate the incidence rates of SO discrimination in the Australian labour market as a rationale for GLBTIQ employees remaining in the corporate closet.
Smith, I., Oades, L. G. & McCarthy, G. (2013). The Australian corporate closet, why it's still so full: a review of incidence rates for sexual orientation discrimination gender identity discrimination in the workplace. Gay and Lesbian Issues and Psychology Review, 9 (1), 51-63.