In My Father's Moon Elizabeth Jolley presents a discontinuous narrative where readers must piece together, through a series of short stories, the life of the narrator, Vera Wright, as schoolgirl, student nurse and young mother. We shift back and forward in time not only between stories but within many of the individual stories as well. Most of the action is set in a period before, quring and just after the Second World War, but the second story, 'My Father's Moon', with its allusions to television, break dance and esoteric religious sects who go in for communal living and vegetarian diets, indicates that Vera is setting down these events in the present, reflecting on them from a considerable distance in time. Sudden shifts in chronology are, therefore, accompanied by equally rapid shifts of mood as intense absorption in the turmoil of adolescence and youth is interspersed with moments of detached observation and analysis
Jones, D. L. (1990). Review: Jolley, Elizabeth, My Father's Moon. Span: Journal of the South Pacific Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies, (29 - October), 113-115.
Journal title
Span: journal of the South Pacific Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies