Single phase Bi2FeMnO6 was synthesized on Si substrates by an electrospray method. Three peaks were observed in the temperature dependence of magnetization curve, which is attributed to the inhomogeneous distribution of Fe3+ and Mn3+. The observed magnetic peaks at 150 K, 260 K, and 440 K correspond to orderings of the ferrimagnetic Fe–O–Mn, and antiferromagnetic Mn–O–Mn and Fe–O–Fe, respectively. Heat capacity measurements were carried out to confirm these magnetic transitions. The Debye temperature of Bi2FeMnO6 is 339 K, calculated from Debye–Einstein fitting.
Du, Y, Cheng, ZX, Dou, SX, Wang, XL, Zhao, HY & Kimura, H (2010), Magnetic properties of Bi2FeMnO6: a multiferroic material with double-perovskite structure, Applied Physics Letters, 97(12), pp. 1-3.