Commerce is the largest faculty at the University of Wollongong; it supports postgraduate coursework, Masters and PhD programs. In 2003 work began on preparing a pilot program that was designed to position the Faculty at the top level of commerce-related research within Australia. It was called the Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) and the plan was that it would be fully implemented into the Faculty's research program at a later stage. The pilot DBA program comprised four research subjects, four postgraduate level commerce subjects and the doctoral thesis itself. This paper is based on a subject called Advanced Business Specialisation Studies. It is the second of the four research subjects and requires the participants to find and organise relevant research literature in the preparation of their research proposal.
This article was originally published as Lipu, S and Hill, A, High level learning by design: the nuts and bolts of assessment and evaluation in a Doctorate of Business Administration program, Australian Library Journal, 54(3), 2005, 200-225. Original article available here.