The Women's Media Centre of Cambodia (WMC), a local non-government organisation (NCO), is a public interest media centre which offers media services to other NGOs. It is the only NCO in Cambodia that produces radio and television broadcasts and audio-visual training material on social issues. WMC enjoys a unique and excellent working relationship with other NGOs, the mainstream Cambodian media, and Ministries of Information and Women's Affairs. Its political neutrality is fundamental to its work. WMC is run by five Cambodian women co-directors - two video producers, one radio producer and one ex-journalist. The five directors first worked together as part of a coalition of women using video and radio to educate and assist women voters in the democratic elections in Cambodia in 1993.They also made a video to document the elections from a non-partisan point of view. The turnout of women voters was extremely high by all accounts. As the next elections in 1998 draw near, WMC is again committed to producing TV and radio programmes to assist and encourage women to participate at all levels