2017, Strojarski Facultet. All rights reserved. In spite of the fact that live working has been carried out in the world for over a hundred years, it has been used in Slovenia as a tool of preventive maintenance of electrical installations only for the last few years. Live working is a novelty for the Slovene electricity environment, so it deserves professional and scientific attention. A review of secondary sources shows that there are many professional sources mainly covering the narrow field of the development of live working technology, equipment and tools, personal protective equipment and training in live working. This review of the literature presents the area of live working where its possibilities for a broader use are offered. The analysis of live working effects is presented under the integration of corrective and preventive maintenance as well as the concepts of health and safety at work, quality, effectiveness and efficiency of the live working method.
Lovrencic, V., Brezavscek, A., Pantos, M. & Gomiscek, B. 2017, 'Contribution of live working to the quality, safety, efectiveness and efficiency of the maintenance processes', Tehnicki Vjesnik, vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 1619-1626.