What is self-efficacy, why is it worthy of attention in higher education, how are selfefficacy beliefs linked to teaching and learning excellence and what is "excellence" anyway? These are some points of discussion found in the first few pages of Laura Ritchie's book, directing the reader towards strategies in later chapters that are drawn from real-life situations aimed at helping the practitioner recognise and apply principles for building strong self-efficacy beliefs in their students. The author argues that the impact of self-efficacy on learning is "fundamental to everything" (p. vii); she writes from her years of teaching and research in higher education, and as a recipient of a UK National Teaching Fellow award.
Delahunty, J. (2016). Book Review: Fostering Self-Efficacy in Higher Education Students. Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, 13 (1), 1-2.
Journal title
Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice