As work-integrated learning (WIL) becomes embedded in the higher education sector, it presents an unprecedented opportunity for practitioners to learn from one another. The challenges of implementing a WIL program are widely known among the WIL community. These challenges often relate to the flexibility and diversity afforded models both within and between institutions. Many institutions have begun internally sharing practices; however, missing in the literature is circulation of this information to facilitate learning across domains. This paper is positioned in the nexus of WIL cross-institutional dissemination. It is hoped that this paper will achieve two aims, the dissemination and application of an Australian regional WIL model. First, a regional Internship Program is detailed through the key areas of purpose, pedagogy, processes, design and assessments. Second, application of the model is offered through an empirical examination of students reflections. (Asia-Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education, 2011, 12(3), 163-174)
Cord, B., Bowrey, G. D. & Clements, M. D. (2011). A regional WIL model: sharing a new approach. Asia-Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education, 12 (3), 163-174.