2015 represents the golden anniversary of the publication of a most significant document for soil science in Fiji. The Soil Resources of the Fiji Islands, 2 Volumes, by Ian T. Twyford and A. Charles S. Wright was published in 1965 by the government printer in Suva. This was the result of intensive field work with accompanying laboratory studies and a detailed inventory of land use in the colony (as it was then) in the 1950s and early 1960s. The publication consisted of a descriptive and interpretative volume (Volume 1, 570 p) and an accompanying set of maps (Volume 2). The set was originally sold for 7 guineas (£7- 7-0).
Morrison, J. & Leslie, D. (2015). A golden anniversary for soil science in Fiji. New Zealand Soil News, 63 (2), 121-121.