This paper reviews contemporary literature and reports on studies in the field of the market segmentation of web-based shoppers. It suggests that discrete groups of consumers perceive the internet differently to each other; and that the key to successful web-based marketing strategy is clear segmentation and taxonomy. Based on findings of an empirical study comprising a series of focus groups and an email survey, ways of segmenting web-based shoppers by; gender, age, education, life stage, ethnic type and previous internet usage are suggested and detailed. These taxonomies should be of benefit marketing academics, administrators and practioners alike. (100 word abstract) This paper suggests ways of segmenting web-based shoppers by; gender, age, education, life stage, ethnic type and previous internet usage. These taxonomies should benefit marketing academics and practioners alike.
Epps, A. 2007, 'Who's afraid of the world wide web? Web-based shoppers, new taxonomies', College Teaching & Learning (TLC) Conference, European Applied Business Research (EABR) Conference, Clute Institute for Academic Research, Littleton, Colorado, pp. 1-12.
Parent title
College Teaching & Learning and European Applied Business Research Conferences