A petition is a document signed by numerous people, announcing a demand that requires a corporation or public entity to take an action to remedy a transgression via essential course of practices. Signing a petition to support a positive cause or a boycott call, as an upshot of a negative cause worth boycotting, may be less taxing for consumers than partaking in boycotts organized by boycott organizers. Thanks to the internet and social media, hundreds of thousands of online petitions are created worldwide each year with millions of signatures supporting various causes (Antonetti & Manika, 2017; Wright, 2016). This raises a question as to whether such increases in requests to boycott positively or negatively impact consumers' willingness to enact anti-consumption. This study explores the effect of choice overload on consumers signing a petition in support of a boycott call.
Lee, M. S. W., Yuksel, U. & Thai, N. T. (2018). When too many anti-consumption opportunities lead to anti-consumption of anti-consumption. In M. S. W. Lee, J. M. Ortega Egea & N. Garcia de Frutos (Eds.), The Proceedings of ICAR 2018 Almeria: Anti-consumption Beyond Boundaries (pp. 94-96). Auckland, New Zealand: University of Auckland Business School Marketing Department.