The relationship between satisfaction and loyalty has been well explored in services marketing or customer relationship management. In this study, the authors studied the relationship of 7 types of service variables under “amusement” factor. Amusement is one of the three factors extracted from 21 mobile information services. Among many different frameworks of satisfaction-loyalty, we used the framework of “past use behavior” on “satisfaction”, and then of “satisfaction” on “continued use intention” (or loyalty), resulting in a strong support of the existing model with positive significant influence on the both paths. Further, our research reveals that, on the both paths, there are stronger, significant positive relationships between a latent variable and the measurement variables for mobile information services with stronger amusement elements than those with other ones. The results lead to useful implications that amusement is a crucial dimension in mobile information services, not only in use motivation, but also on behavior, satisfaction, and continued use intention.
Kondo, F. N., Hirata, J. & Akter, S. (2010). The impact of mobile amusement information on use behavior, satisfaction, and loyalty. 2010 Ninth International Conference on Mobile Business / 2010 Ninth Global Mobility Roundtable (pp. 190-197). Athens, Greece: IEEE Computer Society.
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ICMB and GMR 2010 - 2010 9th International Conference on Mobile Business/2010 9th Global Mobility Roundtable