A large majority of Australian academics, particularly mathematicians, have not been exposed to undergraduate learning by flexible delivery, whereas today’s undergraduates are subjected to various forms of flexible delivery. The implementation of new technologies suggests academics neither experienced flexible delivery nor received training in effective curriculum design, good quality teaching strategies along with classroom management within this type of medium. Consequently their delivery of information/subject content using video conferencing is assumed to be identical as if the content was delivered by face to face (F2F). The contrast between video conferencing and F2F teaching can best be demonstrated in an analogy of its effectiveness and consequently student education to seat allocation at a rock concert. This paper discusses issues raised by both academics and students on the immediate affects of using flexible delivery in mathematics at a University of Wollongong offcampus site.
This conference paper was originally published as Worthy, AL, Arul. KI and Brickell, g, The dynamics of mathematical connection using F2F or video conferencing, Proceedings of the Emerging Technologies Conference, University of Wollongong, 18-21 June 2008.