Information Technology (IT) has converted a majority of organizational activities to automatic and electronicbased. This conversion greatly increases Help Desk (HD)'s coverage on IT related areas. Alternatively, the adoption of business process reengineering and downsizing has led to the shrinkage of the size of HD. This not only leads to the loss of priceless knowledge, but also coerces HD to provide more service with less staff - the outcome is clear that users have to wait comparably longer before HD staff is available. This paper describes how generic Knowledge Management process can be customized to improve support process in HD.
Lau, S. K., Leung, K. & Liang, G. (2005).The customization of knowledge management techniques in Information Technology Help Desk. In L. Von Hellens, J. Beekhuyzen, K. Guest & M. Morley (Eds.), International Conference on Qualitative Research in IT & IT in Qualitative Research Brisbane, Australia: Institute for Integrated and Intelligent Systems (IIIS), Griffith University.
Parent title
Qualitative Research in IT and IT in Qualitative Research: Challenges for Qualitative Research, QualIT 2005 - 2005 Conference Proceedings