This paper discusses the application of reusable learning designs as a support mechanism to guide teachers in designing learning experiences for students. Learning designs, which describe a sequence of learning activities, together with the necessary resources and supports, can serve as a framework which a teacher can then adapt to suit the needs of his or her students. The paper draws on an ongoing study of university teachers using learning designs to design their subjects to highlight reusability issues and outline what further research is necessary.
Bennett, S. J., Agostinho, S. & Lockyer, L. (2005). Reusable learning designs in university education. In T. Montgomerie & J. Parker (Eds.), Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Education and Technology (pp. 102-106). Anaheim, CA: ACTA Press.
Parent title
Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Education and Technology, ICET 2005