The purpose of the current intervention was to target a defined segment of the adolescent population with a sun protection ‘offering’ that positioned sun protection as beneficial and addressed identified barriers (particularly inconvenience and image). A community intervention was conducted in one defined geographic region over the 2009/2010 Summer school holidays. Key elements of the intervention included the distribution of augmented products, promotional materials with a pre-tested impactful message, and partnerships with community and commercial organisations. The intervention was successful in creating interest and attention among adolescents. This paper reports on the process evaluations, focusing on barriers, facilitators and lessons learned.
Implementation and evaluation of a comprehensive sun protection program for adolescents
Jones, S. C., Johnson, K. M., Iverson, D. C. & Thom, J. (2010). Process evaluation of an innovative sun protection intervention targeting adolescents. In P. Ballantine & J. Finsterwalder (Eds.), ANZMAC 2010: Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference: 'Doing More with Less' (pp. 1-8). Christchurch, New Zealand: Department of Management, College of Business and Economics, University of Canterbury.