A new concept called Wireless ad-hoc control networks (WACNets), designed for distributed and remote monitoring and control is explored in this work. It is suggested that ad-hoc control networks are the next stage in the development of distributed control and monitoring. WACNet explores a framework for organic, evolutionary and scalable method of integrating a large number of nodes with sensing and/or actuation, local intelligence and control, data processing and communication capabilities. A combination of IEEE 1451 compliant Smart Sensor and Bluetooth standard is employed to develop the first generation test-bed for the study of WACNets. The concept is introduced and the design of the nodes is presented. The progress up to date and the results obtained are reported.
Bu, S., Naghdy, F. & Ciufo, P. (2005). Physical layer of wireless ad-hoc control networks. In S. Nagalingam, M. Chiu & G. Lin (Eds.), International Manufacturing Leaders Forum (pp. 1-8). South Australia: Centre for Advanced Manufacturing Research.