Power system monitoring capabilities and requirements are evolving rapidly. The traditional monitoring framework in Australian distribution networks involves biannual readings of maximum demand at each distribution substation. As utilities respond to developments in metering and communications technology, automated collection and retrieval of quasi-real-time system data between substations and central repositories is now feasible. This gives network managers a significantly increased understanding of distribution network dynamic activity such as daily and seasonal load profiles. This leads to the increased ability of utilities to exploit metering data for power quality analysis purposes. This paper examines the scope for, and challenges associated with, integration of power quality monitoring with advanced metering. Emphasis is directed towards technical and regulatory conditions applying to Australian distribution utilities. Particular consideration is given to the different characteristics of the various types of sites where monitoring is required.
N. Browne, T. J. Browne & S. T. Elphick, "Monitoring intelligent distribution power systems: a power quality plan," in 14th International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power ICHQP 2010, 2010, pp. 1-7.
Parent title
ICHQP 2010 - 14th International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power