The reference adult male and female voxel phantoms described in the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) publication 110 have been successfully implemented in a Geant4 application named ICRP110Phantoms. The application allows users to simulate either the whole or a partial phantom, including as little as a single cross-sectional slice. The Geant4 application allows users to estimate the absorbed dose in individual voxels and in entire organs. As example of application, the ICRP110Phantoms was used to estimate the dose deposited by a mono-energetic 125 MeV proton pencil beam, incident on the left breast and passing through the lungs and heart, modelled in partial chest phantoms of both male and female ICRP110 phantoms. The ICRP110Phantoms will be released in Geant4 as an Advanced Example to allow its use in the wider scientific community. This Geant4 Advanced Example application can be utilised for dosimetric studies in radiotherapy, nuclear medicine and radiation protection.