posted on 2024-11-13, 13:09authored byN Baharun, Anne Porter
This paper presents the results of a study examining the student learning experience of statistics within e-learning environment at the University of Wollongong. This study involves a cohort of 191 undergraduate students who enrolled in an Introductory Statistics subject in Autumn 2010 session. A learning design map was used within the subject e-learning site aiming at providing guidance which details out timing tasks and resources, and supports materials on week-by-week basis to students in learning the subject. The findings reveal the students gained benefits from the use of the map in helping them to learn and understand the subject; however they highlight some issues on the design of subject particularly within e-learning environment in terms of browser compatibility, file accessibility, map layout, and choices of design varieties. The paper concludes with a discussion on the needs of learning design in teaching practices and the learning of statistics and followed by suggestions for further research.
Norhayati Baharun and Anne Porter, Improving Statistical Education through a Learning Design, Proceedings of the Fourth Annual ASEARC Conference, 17-18 February 2011, University of Western Sydney, Paramatta, Australia.