This paper presents a research model to explore the mediating effects of dependence and commitment on the relationship between switching costs and behavioural loyalty, and the moderating role of criticality of purchase in the relationship between dependence and commitment in the B2B services sector. While studies have recognised the mediating role of dependence and commitment on relational intentions, there is no research identified that investigates mediating or moderating roles under conditions of dissatisfaction in the B2B services sector. We attempt to fill this knowledge gap by contributing to a better understanding of how customer loyalty towards service providers is formed under a troubled or dysfunctional relationship.
This paper was originally published as: Yanamanadram, V & White, L, Exploring the Switching Costs-Behavioural Loyalty Relationship amongst Dissatisfied Customers in the B2B Services Sector, Academy of Marketing Conference 2006 (AM2006), Middlesex University, London, 3-6 July.