posted on 2024-11-13, 17:33authored byBrenda K Weeks-Kaye
'Quality assurance' and 'quality improvement' can be inherently embedded within all of a university's practices and processes through its planning framework. This paper will take an oJ!erarching view of strategic planning in a quality environment. and the activities that underpin it, by combinin the traditional planning cycle of Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) with the quality assessment process of Approach-Deployment-Results-lmprovemt (ADRl). Through the processes identified, a planning and quality framework may be developed with ten key steps identified and explained to place planning activities in a quality context. Discussion will also include examples of strategic planning good practice as identifiedfrom Australian Universities Quality Agency audit reports.
Weeks-Kaye, B. (2004). Ensuring institutional quality through the strategic planning framework. Proceedings of the Australian Universities Quality Forum 2004: Quality in a time of change (pp. 175-180). Melbourne: AUQA.