University of Wollongong recently undertook a major restructure of its academic and professional units, after the appointment of a new Vice Chancellor in 2012. As a result, the previous 11 faculties have been merged and rationalised into five new faculties. The Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Informatics merged to become the Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences (EIS), consisting of six schools representing a total of 13 disciplines. Following the restructuring, EIS made the decision to develop a new common first year curriculum for all engineering undergraduate programs, spanning nine disciplines, they being; civil, mining, environmental, electrical, computer, telecommunications, mechanical, materials and mechatronic engineering. The process of developing the new first year subjects was undertaken in 2014 by a Task and Finish (T&F) group aiming for full implementation at the commencement of 2015. Through consultation with key stakeholders from each discipline area, as well as teaching teams from existing first year programs, five new engineering subjects were to be created, to coexist with the unaltered physics and mathematics subjects. The T&F group met regularly over the course of 2014, where they initially tasked with identifying the key mastery skills that all engineering students should have developed by the end of their first year of full time study. These skills were then grouped into themes, leading to the creation of the five new subjects. The final role of the T&F group was to report back to the Heads of School who would then assign key personnel to develop the curriculum content for each new subject. This paper will focus on the development of one of those newly created subjects, ENGG105 Engineering Computing and Analysis, which adopted the flipped-classroom approach to deliver the subject content.
Hastie, D., Ros, M., Stappenbelt, B. & Kiridena, S. (2015). Development and Implementation of a Flipped-Classroom Delivery in Engineering Computing and Analysis for First Year Engineering Students. In A. Oo, A. Patel, T. Hilditch & S. Chandran (Eds.), 26th Annual Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education (AAEE 2015): Order of Proceedings (pp. 310-320). Melbourne, Australia: Australasian Association for Engineering Education.