In a period of six years, the University of Wollongong (UOW) Library was transformed through a planned change management strategy. Prior to 1994 the Library was considered to be a conservative, hierarchically structured and risk-averse organisation using few and questionable performance indicators and measures to ascertain its success. The selection of the Australian Business Excellence Framework as the management framework to drive and support transformational change led to the development of a new cultural paradigm. Within a few years, the Library was positioned for external scrutiny and underwent assessment by third party evaluators using nationally and internationally recognised criteria of business excellence. UOW Library became the first, and at the time of writing this paper, the only library in Australia to be recognised with the prestigious Australian Business Excellence Award. By the year 2000, the goal of developing and fostering a culture valuing assessment had been achieved.
This conference paper was originally published as Jantti, MH, Developing a culture that values the need for assessment and continuous improvement: the growth of a learning organisation, in the Performance Measurement for Libraries and Information Services Conference, Sydney, 21-22 March 2005.