posted on 2024-11-13, 17:45authored byRavindra P Saxena, Pradeep K Khandelwal
Green Marketing can be viewed both as a type of marketing and a marketing philosophy. As a type of marketing it is like industrial or service marketing, and is concerned with marketing of a specialized kind of product, i.e. green product (including green goods such as fuel efficient cars or recycled products as well as green ideas such as “save oil” or “conserve natural habitat”). As a philosophy, green marketing runs parallel to the societal marketing concept and espouses the view that satisfying customers is not enough and marketers should take into account ecological interests of the society as a whole. It is a part of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Green marketing concept emerges from societal marketing (Kotler, 1999). Green marketing is an attempt to characterize a product as being environmental friendly (ecofriendly). It holds the view that marketing which is a part of business not only has to satisfy customers in particular, but also has to take into account the interests of society in general. That is, all those who are affected by the activities of a business should be kept in mind when setting the objectives and the policies of an organization. This has already helped to increase the recent trend towards the “greening” of the companies. It is only since 1990’s that the researchers have started academically analyzing consumers and industry attitude towards green marketing. Most of the studies are done in developed countries but such studies however, remain conspicuously missing in the context of developing nations like India. The present exploratory research discusses the concept of green marketing and its interface with consumers. It is based on the data collected through a field survey of consumers to assess their attitude towards green marketing.
Saxena, R. P. & Khandelwal, P. K. 2008, 'Consumer attitude towards green marketing: an exploratory study', European Conference for Academic Disciplines,