Both bolt profile shape and spacing (rib spacing) have been found to influence the bonding capacity of the grouted rock bolt. The bolt surface profile configuration has greater importance to rock bolting in strata reinforcement in mining than the steel rebar used in civil engineering construction. This is because a rock bolt in mining usually is subjected to greater dynamic loading than the steel rebar in civil engineering construction. The increased bonding capacity of a bolt is important when supported ground is either heavily fractured, faulted or the supported ground is of soft formation, typically that of coal measure rocks. Past laboratory studies have identified the bolt profile spacing as of significant relevance to bolt resin rock bonding increase, however, no attempt has been made to determine the optimum spacing between the bolt profiles spacing. Accordingly, a series of laboratory tests were carried out on 22 mm core diameter bolts, commonly used in Australian mines, installed in cylindrical steel sleeve. The study was carried out using both push and pull testing methods. The push test was carried out in 150 mm long sleeves while the pull testing was conducted in 115 mm long sleeves. Profile spacing tested include, 12.5, 25.0, 37.5, and 50 mm lengths. Additional studies undertaken include modelling the profile of the load-displacement data of pull testing. Bolts with a profile spacing of 37.5 mm were found to provide optimum load bearing capacity as compared to other tested profile spacings.
Aziz, N., Nemcik, J., Cao, C. & Jalalifar, H. (2009). Bolt profile configuration and load transfer capacity optimisation. 28th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining (pp. 48-52). United States:
Parent title
Proceedings - 28th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining, ICGCM