This everything water 1 is an exhibition of work by Kay Lawrence, Bardi artist Aubrey Tigan from Djaridjin, and Nyigina Law Man, Butcher Joe Nangan. The exhibition, which is part of the 2008 Adelaide Bank Festival of Arts, explores the iridescent and material qualities of pearl shell, and the symbolic meanings attributed to it by Indigenous and non-Indigenous people. This everything water is underpinned by research undertaken by Lawrence into shell harvested in the early 20th Century around the Dampier Peninsula, a remote area north of Broome.
Lawrence, K., Kean, J., Wood Conroy, D., Tigan, A. & Nangan, B. J.. "Cloth and shell: revealing the luminous" SASA Gallery, Adelaide Bank Festival of Arts, 28 February - 28 March. This Everything Water. Adelaide, South Australia: South Australian School of Art Gallery, University of South Australia, 2008.