Over the past three decades, two bodies of literature have developed relatively independently: Quality of Life research in Psychology and Travel Motivations research in Tourism. Yet, the constructs underlying these two bodies of research are strongly interrelated. This book chapter: (1) reviews the Quality of Life research area with a specific focus on the role of vacations as a Quality of Life domain; (2) reviews prior work in the area of Travel Motivations with a specific focus on motivational segments which may be associated with differences in the importance people attribute to vacations in general; and (3) proposes a conceptual model, referred to as the Grevillea Model, that integrates heterogeneity in the population with respect to both the importance attributed to vacations and Travel Motivations.
Dolnicar, S., Lazarevski, K. & Yanamandram, V. (2012). Quality-of-life and travel motivations: integrating the two concepts in the Grevillea Model. In M. Uysal, R. R. Perdue & M. Joseph. Sirgy (Eds.), Handbook of Tourism and Quality-of-Life Research: Enhancing the Lives of Tourists and Residents of Host Communities (pp. 293-308). London: Springer.