This chapter describes the experience of using iPods with preservice early childhood educators in an introductory ICT course. The approach taken was to use the mobile devices, not as the object of study in themselves, but as cognitive tools to be used to complete a complex and authentic task. Students used the iPods in groups to create digital stories appropriate for very young children, in the style of a children’s picture book. The research explored the students’ responses to the task and the pedagogical affordances of the devices in the early childhood setting.
This book chapter was originally published as Onley, I, Herrington, J and Verenikina, I, Digital story telling using iPods, in Herrington, J, Herrington, A, Mantei, J, Olney, I and Ferry, B (editors), New technologies, new pedagogies: Mobile learning in higher education, Faculty of Education, University of Wollongong, 2009, 138p.