

There is a national shortfall of student Allied Health Professional (AHP) clinical placement availability in the United Kingdom. Debate exists regarding ways to improve this situation against the backdrop of National Health Service (NHS) pressures. Historically, clinical educators have adopted a one clinical educator to one student (1:1) model. AHP clinicians perceive various barriers regarding the implementation of peer learning placement models where multiple students (two or more) are assigned to one clinical educator.

A means to address the perceived barriers to adopting a peer learning placement model has been gained from unstructured interviews, conference feedback, questionnaires, and a literature review.

Assimilation of this information has resulted in the development of a peer learning model named the Hull Evaluation-Appraisal-Student-Integrated (EASI) model. This combines tools developed from other peer learning models with bespoke tools that have been developed to address barriers perceived by clinical educators and students. The Hull EASI model emphasizes a team approach for enhancing students’ educational experience rather than it being the sole responsibility of the clinical educator. It was piloted within a physiotherapy musculoskeletal (MSK) outpatient setting.

The Hull EASI model will undergo further development and evaluation, including in the inpatient setting and with other AHP professions. It will continue to evolve in response to local demands.
