Evaluation of Electroelastic Properties of YCOB and GdCOB Crystals Irradiated by 6 MeV Xe23+ Ions



Publication Details

Tian, S., Jiang, C., Chen, F., Yu, F., Cheng, X., Zhang, S., Wang, Z. & Zhao, X. (2020). Evaluation of Electroelastic Properties of YCOB and GdCOB Crystals Irradiated by 6 MeV Xe23+ Ions. Crystal Growth and Design, 20 (4), 2651-2659.


Copyright © 2020 American Chemical Society. YCa4O(BO3)3 (YCOB) and GdCa4O(BO3)3 (GdCOB) crystals are promising piezoelectric materials for high-temperature sensing applications. The high-temperature condition is accompanied by hard irradiation, such as in a nuclear power plant. In this study, the electroelastic properties of YCOB and GdCOB crystals irradiated by different doses of 6 MeV Xe23+ (1013, 1015, and 1016 ions/cm2) were studied in the temperature range of 25-850 °C. YCOB and GdCOB crystals exhibit good electrical resistivity stability with irradiation, where the resistivity of >108 ω·cm is achieved @700 °C. Meanwhile, the electroelastic properties are found to maintain similar values, with variations being less than 8% after irradiation. The band gaps of the YCOB and GdCOB crystals are narrowed upon irradiation, leading to a slight decrease in electrical resistivity, while the slight increase in the dielectric permittivity after irradiation is associated with the irradiation-induced distortion of the structure and weakening of chemical bonding. All the irradiation resistant properties demonstrate that the bulk YCOB and GdCOB crystals are good candidates for use in high-temperature piezoelectric sensing under harsh environments including hard irradiation.

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