Publication Details

F. D. Simmonds & T. L. Stevermuer, AROC impairment specific report: inpatient - pathway 3: orthopaedic fractures: Anywhere Hospital: January 2012 - December 2012 (Australasian Rehabilitation Outcomes Centre, Australian Health Services Research Institute, Wollongong, Australia, 2013).

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Australasian Rehabilitation Outcomes Centre


This is the first AROC Impairment Specific Report which compares YOUR FACILITY's data to your NATIONAL data (Australia or New Zealand). Each Impairment Specific Report is structured as a series of chapters. Each report will present an overall big picture chapter on the impairment followed by a chapter looking at FIM item scoring at YOUR FACILITY as compared to your NATIONAL data by AN-SNAP class. An outcomes analysis chapter follows with an explanatory data chapter at the end.
