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Volume 12, Issue 3 (2018)
Editorial: AABFJ Volume 12, Issue 3, 2018
Monir Mir and Ciorstan Smark
Microbusinesses in Australia: a Robust Definition
Darius M. Pfitzner and John McLaren
The New Face of People Power: An Exploratory Study on the Potential of Social Media for Combating Corruption in Indonesia
Hendi Yogi Prabowo, Rizki Hamdani, and Zuraidah Mohd Sanusi
Determinants of Financial Derivative Disclosures in an Emerging Economy: A Stewardship Theory Perspective
Hima Bindu Kota and B. Charumathi
The Impact of Ownership Structure and Dividends on Firm’s Performance: Evidence from Manufacturing Companies Listed on the Amman Stock Exchange
Mo'taz Amin Abdulhameed Al-Sa'eed
A Mathematical Model for Predicting Debt Repayment: A Technical Note
Udani A. Wijewardhana, Chinthaka Bandara, and Thesath Nanayakkara