
Volume 10 (2013) Tide Edition 10


‘Themes: what bloody good are they?’ — Stephen Fry
Feeling uncertain? Undecided? Unfulfilled?
Take heart, the Tide 2013 team is here to relieve you of your existential burden – after all how hard could it be to raise a mood when we ourselves have risen from the dead (metaphorically speaking)?
Yes, you might be wondering how in the name of literary promises you’ve come to be holding this glorious publication – fear not, gentle reader, this is no mirage produced by your overwhelming longing for literary completion, the truth that we are burdened to impart upon you is that you, yes you gentle reader, have been told a lie.
The theme of Tide 2012 was indeed ‘Endings’. This was not done out of malice by our predecessors, simply out of misinformation, but we feel that this has allowed us to return stronger than ever. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, Tide 2013 has returned heartier and with brighter plumage than ever before, and we will not be repeating the mistakes of the past – this year there is no theme.
Ah but there is anxiety these days, gentle reader, for what will become of the publishing industry in this age of the Internet and downloads and electronic markets? Print publishing is an unwieldy and aging beast, lurching under the weight of new technologies and methods, but fear not. We are here. Small publishing is flourishing, and we of the Tide 2013 team have gained the skills to fly-kick the problems of traditional publishing in the (metaphorical) face.
Trust us, and if you haven’t yet paid for this copy you’re reading, please do so (that’s a good part of the solution, you know, we have charts and everything).
Ah, but you may be antsy about our lack of theme – does that mean we’re incoherent? Flakey? Disorganised?
We may have no theme but we do have atmosphere. In the poetry and prose within these pages you will find pieces that lurk on the edges of esoteric knowledge (or so we might say if we were writing essays about them), and of course there is the spirit of indefatigable determination that has been integral to Tide throughout its iterations. Be comforted, gentle reader, and read on.
The Tide 2013 team

Darwin Dreaming - John Glenn Doyle - 2
The River - Sally Evans - 4
After The Fires - Holly Buck -6
Moya Lybov - Anne Maree Apanski -8
Dilution - Daniel Fudge -9
Pepsico - Jake Goetz -13
Sappho, I Know - Kate Liston -14
The Metro - Anne Maree Apanski -15
Raw. - Erinn Urquhart -16
Mall Rats - Toby Lemon -18
Short Shorts - James Poole - 20
A Short Frosted Gasp - Joel Burrows - 22
6:00 AM - Adam Carr - 23
Black Market Moon - Luke Rule - 24
The Conquistador - Cameron Brown - 28
Between The Line - Nick Brooks - 32
Hybristophilia - Mo Hawthorne - 38
Libyan Rat-Proof Fence - Kate Liston - 45
Two - Paul Pearson - 48
Do You Want Some Tea? - Llewellyn Horgan - 54
Long And Thick - Matthew Pritchard - 57
9:00 AM - Adam Carr - 60
Twist Captain - James Poole - 62
Dead Rat Wedding - Toby Lemon - 64
Aquarium - Caitlin Easton - 65
Oysters - Gregory Zorko - 68
Eve - Matthew Pritchard - 69
The Burgh - Amy Underwood - 70
Letters - Lucy Tierney - 72
Cephalopod - Marcella Yakalis - 74
Silence - Lauren Lewis - 76
In The Family - Alyssa Wickramasinghe - 78
Lifetime - Caitlin Easton - 84
Chain-Link Fence - Lauren Lewis - 86
Their Eyes Like Wild Birds - Paul Chicharo - 88

List of Illustrations
Untitled - Tamara Davies - iii
Untitled - Nguyen Thanh Vu - 29
Untitled - Khoa Nguyen - 37
Piranesi Dreams - Amelia Morgano - 46
Untitled - Fallon Wickramasinghe - 67
Octopus - Jo Tsai - 75
Untitled - Nguyen Thanh Vu - 87