
Volume 1 (2004) Tide Issue #1

Editors' note
Welcome to TIDE!
TIDE (edit spelt backwards in case you didn't notice) is a collaborative literary 'zine hoping to promote creative writing at the University of Wollongong and in the wider community. It's also a good excuse to have our names in print. The works included showcase the great talent that we have here in the 'gong and at the uni. We are a group of eleven 3rd-year students from the School of Journalism and Creative Writing. Interested in the nitty-gritty of the writing process, we want to make our work tight, concise and fabulous! We hope we've succeeded, read on and judge for yourself! We'd like to thank Tania Daniels at Wollongong Cultural Services, Wollongong City Council, John Scott at the School of Journalism and Creative Writing, University of Wollongong, Marius Foley at the School of Art and Design, University of Wollongong, the South Coast Writers' Centre, and the Marvellous Shady Cosgrove.

Editors' Note 4
Proxy - Charissa Ware - 5
Cigarettes & Things - Joel Naoum - 9
A Collection - Alana Ayliffe - 13
Summer Storm - Andrew Hows - 15
Grey Skies - Jessica Green - 17
Walking - Mitchell Jordan - 19
Best Oriental Smile - Amber Jones - 21
A Collection - Emily Finlay - 26
Secrets - Daniel Stewart - 31
Waiting For Afternoon Tea - Laura Smith - 33
The Four Ages Of Human Perfection - Courtney Goddard - 36
Father - Rebecca Osborne - 41
Swallow - Elizabeth McDade - 44
Fragment #2 - Dan Menges - 48
Gracie May & the Virgin Mary - Peta Waltz - 49
Untitled - cc Yuen-Collingridge - 53
For The Poet - Ben Frater - 57
Ask DNA - Rachel Baker - 58
Sometimes Work is Not So Boring - Brigitte Junga - 62
Special Thanks To... - 65