

Degree Name

Doctor of Creative Arts


Faculty of Creative Arts


"Beyond the Moons of August" was born from my angst about recording and understanding my past. While writing this manuscript, I submerged myself in the depths of my mind, by conjuring the dead and finally putting them to rest, and rescuing from my memory stories, people and events long buried in this invisible cemetery. Through writing this novel I recreated my past, I re-interpreted events long gone, I sought revenge and forgiveness. Catharsis and creativity went hand in hand with the writing of "Beyond the Moons of August".

This book represents an era of my life which, like a shadow, accompanied me to the present. I pulled memories out and paraded them, distorted and enlarged them. I bathed them in fantasy and hope and I sprinkled them with innocence and hwnour. Magic transformed my recollections as my fingers hit the keyboard of my computer.

Like a seamstress, I made a suit from the fabric of my past. I threaded word to word until a costume, embroidered with colourful sequins and rhinestones was created. My past was the cloth, my craft was the needle and the thread, and the sequins and rhinestones were my imagination. The suit fits perfectly because it was made to measure.



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