

Degree Name

Master of Science (Hons.)


Department of Chemistry


This present study has shown that residues of dithiocarbamate fungicides persisted on/in soils and garlic bulbs on garlicgrowing areas of Sembalun, Lombok island, Indonesia. The technique of analysis used was USEAP-Method S 15, based on evolution of carbon disulfide which was measured as a xanthate. The study indicated that the dithiocarbamate residues mainly persisted on soil surface (0-1 cm); ranging froml.82 to 4.82 mg/ kg dry matter and only a low concentration was found at a depth of 1-10 cm. The analysis of garlic bulbs revealed that all sampled garlic bulbs were contaminated with dithiocarbamate residues, with concentrations ranging from 8.95 to 31.26 mg/kg dry matter. Some localities showed consistently higher concentration than other localities. However, the residues tended to decrease exponentially, and within 21 days of harvesting were 0.78 and 1.73 mg/kg dry matter. This study also proved that the 'xanthate technique' was precise and reproducible for analysing dithiocarbamates from soil and garlic bulbs, even though garlic bulbs contain an unknown compound producing carbon disulfide in a relative low concentration (0.17+0.01 mg/ kg dry matter).



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