

Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Mechanical Engineering


A planar motion dynamic study of tne upper extremity human limb is presented in this thesis. The dynamic analysis computer model simulates a planar, rigid limced three member system pivoted at points corresponding to the shoulder, elbow and wrist joints. High speed camera photograpns or hammering a two inch nail into a woocden biocK provides the essential data for the computer analysis. Ths magnitude and directions of torques and force reactions at the wrist, elbow, and shoulder joints are computed. Graphed results for the entire motion compare favourable with other methods of analysis. The dynamic analysis may be used on any real process equipment such as linked mechanism, saws, looms, presses and fast moving machinery, where the evaluation and measurement of inertia and member forces are involved. The main advantage of this procedure over other methods is the simplicity of the high speed filmng-computer evaluation technique as compaired to, the elaborate and expensive use of measuring and recording equipment.



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