Publication Details

Sammons, P., Sylva, K., Siraj-Blatchford, I., Taggart, B., Smees, R. & Melhuish, E. (2008). Influences on pupils' self-perceptions in primary school: Enjoyment of school, anxiety and isolation, and self-image in Year 5. London, United Kingdom: Department for Children, Schools and Families.


This report presents the results of analyses of pupils' self-perceptions in primary school. It is part of the longitudinal Effective Pre-school and Primary Education 3-11 (EPPE 3-11) research project funded by the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF). The focus of this report is pupils' self-perceptions in Year 5 (age 10) in four key areas: 'Enjoyment of school'; 'Academic self-image'; 'Behavioural self-image' and 'Anxiety and Isolation'. Reports on pupils' cognitive and social/behavioural development at this age have been published separately (Sammons et al., 2007). Questionnaires were administered to children asking their views about school and classroom life. These provided measures of pupils' self-perceptions in Year 2 and again in Year 5 in terms of 'Enjoyment of school', 'Anxiety and Isolation' and 'Academic self-image' and 'Behavioural self-image'. A range of statistical methods have been used to investigate results for 2,520 pupils for whom at least one self-perception outcome measure was collected in Year 5.
